Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  On days like this we are constantly reminded to be grateful.  This got me thinking… what if everyday was a reminder?  Is that such a hard concept to imagine?  I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately and have found, truth be told, living in a state of grace can be difficult.  I’m the first to admit that I can be pretty damn selfish.  Often caught up in my own ambition, desires, and motivations: practically unaware of life around me.  Ultimately, this leads to frustration, overwhelming thoughts, and lack of purpose.  

That’s why on days like Thanksgiving we have a unique opportunity to come back to what really matters… fabulous friends, flattering family, fatty foods (go ahead, cheat), fortified faith, faulty falsettos (insert as many f’ word as you see fit)… The list is endless and everyones remains unique.  No matter what our circumstance or our “perceived” lack we always have the opportunity to be grateful.  And when we remind ourselves of this grace we begin to realize that there are more important things than ourselves.  

Here’s a little practice I’ve been trying every day that may or may not work for you.  A while ago my girlfriend gave me a small wooden carving from Jamaica as a gift.  Obviously the gesture was enough to make me grateful but I decided to take it a step further.  I attached the wooden token to my keys and now every time I touch the token I say one thing that I’m grateful for.   Every time my fingers run across the etching I immediately think, “I’m grateful for (      ),” no matter where I am or what I’m doing.   Surprisingly, every time I do this energy is restored, worries begin to vanish, and the perspective of my environment changes.  A grateful token can be anything: a penny, a poster, a pan, a picture, a paperclip (oof… a little alliteration happy today)… ANYTHING.  Try coming up with one of your own and see what happens when you have to interact with it every day. 

What are you grateful for today?  Can we try and be grateful everyday?  Take the challenge with me! 

"Gratitude is heaven itself." - William Blake

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